Mothman Escape Room
If you're looking for hints, you're in the wrong place! Click here instead. These are the reset instructions.
Follow these directions to put things back where they go, aka an escape room reset. If you aren't sure about anything, put it on top of the liquor cabinet by the radio where the game starts. Or if you have kids and worry about them moving stuff, put it in the liquor cabinet like a, well, adult. Resetting is optional for guests, but any bit you can do to make our lives easier is greatly appreciated so we don't need to increase the cleaning fee. =)
1. Diary - Put diary on liquor cabinet by palm tree lamp and old radio, dry off bottles and put them on the corner shelf in the red room.
2 & 3. Inside diary and wallbox with directional lock. Put Acme #2 Recieipt No 180 receipt signed by Legira Lia back in the wall box above radio. Replace directional lock and lock it.
4. 12 Cubby Box - Replace mouse flash cards in cubby 6, other items can go in any cubby.
5. End table by front door. Put black key from kitchen thermostat lock box in the round sewing tin inside. Also put in the transparency that completes the light puzzle on the kitchen wall to say "every seventh letter on page 12."
6-10. Replace five things in black box by fireplace: 1,2,3: roll up marking system note and laminated envelope inside cypher; 4: letter with acrostic that says TOASTR; 5: Put 3 digit lock code 354 back on and lock it.
11-12. Check to be sure there is bread in the freezer.
13. Replace Red Green Yellow Blue lock on MIB shooting picture. Code 2741.
14-15. Suit case. Push all buttons on 8 button lock out. Code 1637. Put 5 items back in briefcase: 1) letter to mother, 2) Abominations booket, 3) knitting needles, 4) pic of wood cabinet with icons overlaid (tuck in book), 5) Indrid Cold sunglasses. Put 8 button lock back on suitcase, push all buttons out.
16-17. Drop red door key in wood cabinet and lock cabinet door lock. Code 225.
18. Put blacklight flashlight and dry erase markers back in basket.
19. Right cubby. Replace spider box red herring and Dr note about when it is safe for crypids to travel. Close door and replace lock with code 381.
20. Left cubby. Replace polarized polarized code, and letter from Indrid Cold. Replace lock with code 4765.
21. Rear cubby. Put wavelength Matagaluga 1966 Travel Schedule in small box, put STAR lock on it. Replace 4765 lock on left cubby. Replace picture over cubby. Rear cubby code 7338.
22. Check that all 3 cubby locks and all clues in office are back in place. Lock office door. Leave light on. Drop key in wood cabinet if you didn't already.
23. Barrel table. Replace "incriminating documents" in barrel table from mailbox in red room closet. Barrel code: 3617
24-25. Red room closet. Check attic for belongings. Replace attic lock (code 1708). Replace note that Mothwoman is a good person and the blacklight flashlight in the mailbox. Turn off black light in closet. Replace closet door lock last after turning off light and locking attic. Code 5762.
Follow these directions to put things back where they go, aka an escape room reset. If you aren't sure about anything, put it on top of the liquor cabinet by the radio where the game starts. Or if you have kids and worry about them moving stuff, put it in the liquor cabinet like a, well, adult. Resetting is optional for guests, but any bit you can do to make our lives easier is greatly appreciated so we don't need to increase the cleaning fee. =)
1. Diary - Put diary on liquor cabinet by palm tree lamp and old radio, dry off bottles and put them on the corner shelf in the red room.
2 & 3. Inside diary and wallbox with directional lock. Put Acme #2 Recieipt No 180 receipt signed by Legira Lia back in the wall box above radio. Replace directional lock and lock it.
4. 12 Cubby Box - Replace mouse flash cards in cubby 6, other items can go in any cubby.
5. End table by front door. Put black key from kitchen thermostat lock box in the round sewing tin inside. Also put in the transparency that completes the light puzzle on the kitchen wall to say "every seventh letter on page 12."
6-10. Replace five things in black box by fireplace: 1,2,3: roll up marking system note and laminated envelope inside cypher; 4: letter with acrostic that says TOASTR; 5: Put 3 digit lock code 354 back on and lock it.
11-12. Check to be sure there is bread in the freezer.
13. Replace Red Green Yellow Blue lock on MIB shooting picture. Code 2741.
14-15. Suit case. Push all buttons on 8 button lock out. Code 1637. Put 5 items back in briefcase: 1) letter to mother, 2) Abominations booket, 3) knitting needles, 4) pic of wood cabinet with icons overlaid (tuck in book), 5) Indrid Cold sunglasses. Put 8 button lock back on suitcase, push all buttons out.
16-17. Drop red door key in wood cabinet and lock cabinet door lock. Code 225.
18. Put blacklight flashlight and dry erase markers back in basket.
19. Right cubby. Replace spider box red herring and Dr note about when it is safe for crypids to travel. Close door and replace lock with code 381.
20. Left cubby. Replace polarized polarized code, and letter from Indrid Cold. Replace lock with code 4765.
21. Rear cubby. Put wavelength Matagaluga 1966 Travel Schedule in small box, put STAR lock on it. Replace 4765 lock on left cubby. Replace picture over cubby. Rear cubby code 7338.
22. Check that all 3 cubby locks and all clues in office are back in place. Lock office door. Leave light on. Drop key in wood cabinet if you didn't already.
23. Barrel table. Replace "incriminating documents" in barrel table from mailbox in red room closet. Barrel code: 3617
24-25. Red room closet. Check attic for belongings. Replace attic lock (code 1708). Replace note that Mothwoman is a good person and the blacklight flashlight in the mailbox. Turn off black light in closet. Replace closet door lock last after turning off light and locking attic. Code 5762.